About the programme

The EU Business Hub is a programme funded by the European Union in support of EU Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and startups within the green, digital, and healthcare sectors that seek business opportunities and establish partnerships in Japan and the Republic of Korea (RoK). 


What is the EU Business Hub?

Facilitating partnerships between EU companies and key stakeholders in Japan and the Republic of Korea through targeted business matchmaking.

What is the EU Business Hub?

Facilitating partnerships between EU companies and key stakeholders in Japan and the Republic of Korea through targeted business matchmaking.

The Asia-Pacific region is the largest destination of Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) globally and it is a powerhouse for global trade. The EU Business Hub - Japan and the Republic of Korea aims to boost the presence and visibility of EU companies operating in the green, digital, and healthcare sectors where potential for increased cooperation between European and Japanese and European and Korean companies exists.

The programme aims to strengthen EU businesses' internationalisation, export and investment activities, as well as foster more resilient, sustainable, and technologically advanced value chains with the two Asian markets. Thus, significantly supporting the implementation of EU-RoK Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).

The EU Business Hub will organise 10 business missions in Japan and 10 in the Republic of Korea over the next four years, each business mission allowing a group of approximately 50 innovative EU companies to benefit from extensive business coaching and B2B matchmaking. Participating companies are carefully selected based on criteria including their products and technologies, resources and capacity, as well as business strategy.

Business missions to Korea will encompass all three priority sectors, while business missions to Japan will target the green and digital sectors. 

Before the mission week, the selected companies receive systematic business coaching to prepare them for entering these markets. During the mission week, participants can meet a number of potential business partners at a two-day business exhibition, as well as take part in events designed to provide business opportunities and deepen their knowledge of the local market. 

By 2027, close to 1000 EU companies will benefit from the EU Business Hub programme.



Green and Low-carbon Technologies; Digital Solutions and Healthcare and Medical Equipment

Explore the target sectors



Japan and The Republic of Korea

Explore the target markets


Business missions

10 missions in Japan and 10 missions in the Republic of Korea

Explore the business missions



Trade facilitation

The EU Business Hub facilitates trade and business cooperation with the Republic of Korea and Japan in alignment with the objectives and opportunities under the recent Green and Digital partnerships in the framework of the EU-RoK Free Trade Agreement and the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement.

SME Support

The programme provides tailored assistance to approximately 50 selected EU companies per Business Mission, in particular SMEs, in forging strategic business connections through B2B matchmaking in the Republic of Korea and Japan.

Enhanced market insights

The EU Business Hub empowers selected EU companies by equipping them with in-depth knowledge of local business culture, market regulations and practices, and industrial briefs to increase their competitiveness in these dynamic Asian markets.

Promotion of the EU brand

The programme promotes the visibility and presence of European businesses and the EU brand and standards in the Republic of Korea and in Japan.